Dear Amy,
I know we barely know each other and our relations were fast and furious, but I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you for your support, both before my Father’s passing, and after. Amy touched my Fathers heart and brought life to his eyes. I am in your debt, forever, for what you gave my father. She provided a very special outlet for my father to be a person again, mobile, and enjoying life. From your hospital visits with him to the Marc’s Grocery Store Expedition, Dad is forever grateful, as am I, for the new life you began to give him. It was his time, and sadly, that time came during a period of life when he was making fantastic improvements in health. I can’t understand or reason my way thru this, but today became very clear on where he now is and how life is for him. After 64 years, he is now at peace with his beloved mother who he never had the chance to meet. He is with my mother now and enjoying the years he never had with her since her untimely departure. But, sitting above, he is looking down on all of us, especially you Amy, for your unwavering love to him, and for making his final weeks so much fun! God bless you. I am in your debt, forever, for what you gave my father. -Roche Girard
Dear Amy,
Thank you for all you did for me and Lois during our time of struggles. People like you are God’s gifts to us. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Amy & Company,
God Bless you all! We cannot even put into words your kindness and understanding. You have answered my prayersYou went above and beyond!!! You have gone the extra mile (literally) for my brother and his family. We are so grateful! You have answered my prayers and those of my brother. Your help and compassion is PRICELESS!
Much Love -Marie